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In Radius office we recognise the urgency of the climate crisis and the need to take bold action to reduce our impact on the environment. We have committed to reaching net-zero emissions by 2030 and are taking steps to achieve this ambitious goal.

 Our Products 

We work with factories who offer sustainable products

Consumer recycled plastic material (PCR)
Pre-consumer industrial plastic waste (PIR)
FSC® C114358 certified wood
Water-based coatings 

We avoid working with factories that use

Halogenated flame retardants (HFR) 
Bisphenol A (BPA) plastics 


  • We will recycle 90% of all of our waste both in the office and our warehouse. Everything that can be reused, will be reused and everything that can be recycled, will be recycled. 
  • We will use our petrol and diesel vehicles only when necessary and promote cycling and walking to work or use of public transport instead of using personal vehicles. 
  • Our warehouse and office will use energy carefully and mindfully. 
  • The suppliers we use will be asked to use only recyclable and recycling materials and we will actively promote only such suppliers and factories. 
  • We will always opt for eco-friendly options for all office supplies we use and never use single-use plastics. 


  • If no clean energy resources are available, we will look into alternative clean energy sources and use those instead. 
  • We will recycle or reuse 100% of the waste we produce. 
  • Factories who do not have clear sustainability policies implemented will be phased out.


  • Our fleet of vehicles will be fully electric. 
  • All energy used in both our office and our warehouse will be coming from sustainable sources such as solar, wind, biogas, nuclear or similar. 
  • We will not work with factories who are not 100% committed to achieving Zero-Carbon