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BuzziPlant Freestanding Acoustic Ribbed Panel


Please note the minimum order quantity for this product is 1. If you need less, please reach out as we may be able to accommodate
  • The stylish BuzziPlant is a freestanding acoustic panel which creates a nature-inspired environment in your interior while minimizing distractions and reducing noises
  • With the structural honeycomb cardboard core and acoustic foam covering, this freestanding panel absorbs sound waves
  • This product provides sound-absorption, design and surface to pin notes and images
  • Explore the choice to plant 3 different BuzziPlants in your office with different striking shape: Surf, Doldi or Mobi
  • Wide range of fabrics and colour finishes available to best suit your professional style

The design of the BuzziPlant creates a nature-inspired environment in your office interior. But this freestanding panel provides acoustical performance and also surface to stick notes onto. Choose between the 3 different models available: Surf, Doldi or Mobi.


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