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Seating Capacity 1
Delivery Time:
8 to 12 Weeks i

Please note that when days are specified, these refer to working days. Lastly, if you opt for installation during checkout (as opposed to just delivery), it may add several days due to our installation schedule.

Smart Office A11 Acoustic 1-Seater Open Meeting Pod

Product Code: A11-OPEN-IN

  • A11 acoustic properties lounge chair is the first step by Hushoffice beyond its line of workpods
  • A modern, designer, futuristic, and functional lounge chair, available in a closable or open version
  • It allows to create your own private space to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle
  • Chair users can also easily access the built-in USB port

Unit comes assembled and dimensions should be checked to ensure fits through any doorways etc. Your own private space A11 acoustic properties lounge chair is the first step by Hushoffice beyond its line of work pods.


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